

회원가입 없이 안심하고 마음편히 이용하는 심리 상담 서비스
회원 가입 없이 언제 어디서든 내마음을 AI에게 이야기 해보세요. 프롬프트 엔지니어링으로 전문화된 AI와 상담하여 마음의 위로를 받아 보세요
업무 협의 [email protected]
안녕하세요! 저는 김수정 이라고 합니다.
삶은 때로는 어려움과 고난의 순간들로 가득차 있습니다.
그럴 때에는 누구나 도움을 원하며, 이해와 위로가 필요할 때입니다.
제가 여러분의 곁에 서서 그 도움을 드릴 수 있다면, 저는 큰 기쁨과 보람을 느낄 것입니다.
저는 세심한 관찰력과 깊이 있는 이해로 여러분의 이야기를 듣고 분석합니다.
상담 과정에서는 여러분의 고민과 어려움에 대한 이해를 바탕으로 함께 최적의 해결책을 찾아나가고자 합니다.
상황에 맞는 다양한 상담 기법과 심리학 지식을 활용하여 여러분의 내면 성장과 긍정적인 변화를 이끌어내는 데 전력을 다하겠습니다.

안녕하세요! 저는 이예나 라고 합니다.
심리상담사로서 여러분들의 마음을 돕기 위해 최선을 다하고 있습니다.
상담은 때로는 가벼운 대화를 통해 마음을 놓고 이야기할 수 있는 시간이기도 합니다.
제가 상담사로서 여러분과 함께하는 과정에서는, 당신의 동반자이자 여자친구 또는 동성친구처럼 함께 하고 싶어요.
서로를 이해하고 공감하는 분위기를 만들어 나가며, 당신의 이야기를 듣고 도움을 드릴 수 있도록 최선을 다할게요.
만약 여러분이 심리적인 지원이 필요하다고 생각된다면, 저와 함께 상담을 시작해보는 것은 어떨까요?
함께 여정을 시작하여 더 나은 내일을 만들어가는데 도움을 주고 싶습니다.

안녕하세요! 저는 이우빈입니다.
심리상담사로서 여러분들의 마음을 가볍게 만들고자 노력하고 있습니다.
삶은 때로는 웃음과 유머로 채워져야 한다고 생각합니다. 그래서 저는 여러분과의 상담에서도 유쾌하고 즐거운 분위기를 만들기 위해 노력하고 있습니다.
하지만 그렇다고 해서 진지함과 존중을 잃지 않습니다.
만약 여러분이 심리적인 지원이 필요하다고 생각한다면, 저와 함께 상담을 시작해보는 것은 어떨까요?
함께 웃으며, 서로를 이해하고 돕는 경험을 통해 더 나은 삶을 만들어 나갈 수 있기를 바랍니다.
에이아이테라피 후기
더 많은 후기 보기sk이노베이션 부부 고민
남편이 다른 여자랑 썸타는 느낌인데 제가 이런글 쓰게 될 줄 몰랐는데, 막상 제가 이런 상황이 되고나니 내가 예민한건지 아닌지 상황판단이 잘 안되어서 여러분들의 의견을 구하고자 합니다. 아래는 남편과 남편 회사 동료 여성분이 나눈 인스타 DM대화입니다. 둘은 비슷한 또래이고 다른 팀인데 중간에 같이 아는 동료가있어서 최근에 알게되었습니다. 1. 여: 인스타가 왜이렇게 휑해요~ A님도 사진 잘 못찍는구나 남: 아닌데~ 저 사 진 되게 잘 찍는데~ B님 휴가 마지막날 아니에요? 휴가 마지막에 이렇게 저 감시해주셔서 감사합니다 2. 남: 근데 저 궁금한거 있어요 B님 인스타 아이디가 무슨 의미에요? 여: (아이디 의미에 대해서 설명, 아이디에 로맨스 관련 단어가 들어감) 남: 아 로맨스를 좋아해서? 여: 맞아요! 저는 로맨스 없이 못살앙! 3. (며칠 후, 저와 둘이 술마시러 간 이자카야 사진, 사람 없는 빈 공간 찍어서 DM 보냄) 남: 이거 봐요, 저 사진 잘찍죠? 여: 에이~ 아닌것 같은데 남: 근데 저 비밀이 있어요 여: 무슨 비밀이 이렇게 많아요? 비밀스러운 남자네 남: 사실 저 저번에 A님 취한거 봤어요! 여: 으앗! 언제 봤어요 어떡해~~ 4. (제가 길게 몇 주간 해외 출장 다녀옴, 출장 돌아오기 전날) 여: 누구님 몇시간 안남았네요! 알차게 보내야 하는데 뭐하고 계세요? 남: 그러니까요! 뭐해야하지 B님이 동네 근처 살았으면 나오라고 했을텐데 사실 저는 남편 카톡 말투 등을 아니까, 저 DM을 읽으면서 저와 썸 탈때의 대화 흐름, 말투라는 느낌이 훅 들어서 당황스럽더라구요. 그렇지만 이건 저의 주관적인 감이고 객관적으로 봤을 때는 직장 동료들 사이에서 자연스러운 대화인데 제가 과민반응하는 건지 의견을 들어보고 싶습니다. 남편은 제가 이 대화를 봤다는 걸 모르고 있습니다. 회사 동료니까 다른 동료들이랑 같이 저녁 술자리도 있는것 같고, 점심은 둘만도 먹는것 같습니다. 어제 밤에 이 대화를 봤고, 생각을 정리할 시간이 필요해서 두서 없이 글을 썼네요 사실 이런 대화로 외도 주장은 말도 안된다는걸 알고 있지만, 앞으로 이정도 플러팅? 친분 쌓기? 정도는 이해하고 살아야 하는건가 생각이 들어서요. 테라피 상담 보기
스타트업 직원의 고민
여자친구는 평범하고 건실한 사람입니다. 다만 성형을 많이했어요. 소위말하는 '성괴'스타일은 아니지만 이목구비가 화려하고 표가 많이 나긴합니다. 저는 이 친구와 중학교 때 학원친구로 알고 지냈는데 대학생 때 우연히 마주쳐 사귀게 되었습니다. 둘다 시골에서 나고 자랐는데 서울한복판에서 마주친것도, 그 안에서도 같은 생활권의 대학에 다니는 것도 반가웠습니다. 전 그친구를 못알아봤는데 그 친구가 절 알아보고 적극적으로 다가와주어 10년 연애하였습니다. 따뜻하고 소박한 친구인데 부모님이 반대가 심하십니다. 부모님 두 분 다 시골분이신데 (현재는 광역시급에 거주) 아버지가 정말로 극심히 반대하십니다. 아버지가 의사신데 본인이 수술을 하시는 외과의이십니다. 그런데 굳이 전신마취하고 멀쩡한 생살을 이리 찢고 저리 찢는 행위를 왜 하는지 모르겠다며 골 비어보인다는 소리를 하십니다.. 미치겠어요. 실제로 제 여동생은 그 흔한 쌍수도 안했어요. 그러나 그 친구는 태생적으로 예쁜 축이고 어머니도 미인이십니다. 그러시기에 외모에 대한 열등감자체를 온 식구가 이해를 못해요. 아버지는 키가 훤칠하신데다 탈모도 없으셔서 미남형이 아닌데도 인기많고 칭찬을 많이 들으셔서 더 그러신 것 같아요. 주2회씩 테니스를 치셔서 군살도 없으십니다. 제 여자친구는 성형전에도 못생기진 않았지만 평면적인 동양인 얼굴, 그리고 약간 우울해보이는 인상이었습니다. 확실히 성형 후에 성격도 적극적으로 변하고 거부감들게끔 인조적으로 되지도 않았는데 아버지는 정말 싫어하십니다... 어떻게 설득해야할까요 오직 이유가 그거 하납니다. 테라피 상담 보기
삼일회계법인 고민
여친 26살인데 고시 포기한다네 나랑 같이 시험 준비해서 난 작년에 붙고 회사 다니는데 여친은 1차를 세 번이나 떨어졌는데 마음도 몸도 너무 지친다고 이제 포기한다고 하더라.. 요즘 여자 26살들 취준 많이 하는 편이야?대학은 이대고 어릴때 미국에 살아서 영어는 진짜 원어민인거 같고 (같이 여행 갔을때 확인함..) 토익 오픽 만점이고 자기말로는 중국어도 말하는건 안되도 시험 중에서 젤 높은 급수 땄다고 하더라.. 이대 상경학부고 학점은 4.1대라는데 취업시장에서 아직 괜찮은 정도야? 테라피 상담 보기
심리상담을 통한 긍정적 결과
심리상담은 우울증, 불안장애, 스트레스 등 다양한 정신 건강 문제에 대한 증상 개선에 효과적입니다.
연구에 따르면, 심리상담 후 감정 지수가 31% 향상되었고 신체역시 14%증가 일과 삶의 균형도 22% 향상된 결과를 가져왔습니다
논문 : easeprogram.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/EAP_ROI.pdf

삶의질을 높이는 에이아이테라피
심리상담을 받은 사람들은 삶의 질이 향상되는 것으로 나타났습니다.
이는 자기 효능감 증진, 긍정적인 자아 개념 형성, 대인관계 개선 등의 요인으로 인해 발생할
수 있습니다

AI심리상담사와 일상대화를 통한 마음의 안식
AI 심리상담은 사용자의 개인정보를 수집하지 않으며, 사용자의 신원을 파악할 수 없습니다.
이는 사용자가 자신의 문제를 자유롭게 이야기할 수 있도록 도와줍니다.

The Effectiveness of AI-driven Psychotherapy: A Promising Alternative in Mental Health
Artificial intelligence (AI) has permeated virtually every aspect of our lives, from automating mundane tasks to revolutionizing industries, and the realm of mental health care is no exception. AI-driven psychotherapy has swiftly emerged as an alternative to traditional therapy sessions, breaking down barriers in accessibility and cost. By harnessing the power of advanced algorithms and natural language processing, these intelligent systems not only understand human emotions but also adapt to an individual's needs. The primary advantage of AI-driven psychotherapy lies in its ability to provide on-demand, instant assistance to those in need. Traditional therapy sessions can be expensive and may not be accessible to individuals living in rural or underserved areas. AI-powered chatbots can be accessed from anywhere with a stable internet connection, allowing users to receive support at any time. This dramatically increases the availability of psychological help, reaching communities that might typically go untreated. Another advantage of AI-based therapy is the comfort of anonymity that it provides. Many individuals facing mental health issues may fear judgment or stigma and hesitate to seek professional help. However, interacting with an AI-driven therapist allows users to speak openly about their issues without fear of being judged or misunderstood. This level of privacy can enable them to explore their emotions and develop coping strategies in a safe and secure environment. Continual advancements in natural language processing have allowed AI-powered therapists to become more empathetic and emotionally intelligent. Through ongoing interactions, the AI can better understand its users' emotions, recognize patterns, and tailor conversations to meet the specific needs of an individual. This level of personalization contributes to more effective therapy sessions, as patients become increasingly comfortable with the AI and are more likely to open up. AI-driven therapy also has potential in assisting human therapists in a supplementary role. In cases where a mental health professional cannot be present for every session, AI-powered chatbots can be employed to maintain consistency of care. The AI can help monitor patient progress, alerting therapists to changes that may warrant professional intervention. As a result, AI-driven psychotherapy could lead to improved outcomes in mental health treatment. However, it is important to acknowledge that AI-driven psychotherapy may not be suitable for everyone. There are cases where traditional therapy led by human professionals may be better suited to address complex or severe mental health issues. Furthermore, privacy concerns and data security issues could emerge when dealing with sensitive information. In conclusion, AI-driven psychotherapy represents a promising alternative in mental health care, offering greater accessibility, anonymity, and personalization. As we continue to develop and improve AI technologies, we can expect the effectiveness of AI-based therapy to grow, potentially enhancing the overall quality of mental health care.

Various Types of Psychotherapy:
Psychotherapy, also known as talk therapy, encompasses a broad range of therapeutic approaches aimed at helping individuals cope with emotional difficulties, mental health disorders, and life challenges. Each type of therapy has unique methodologies, techniques, and processes based on various theoretical backgrounds. Here is an overview of several prominent psychotherapy approaches. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) CBT is a widely-used, evidence-based therapy focused on identifying and modifying negative thought patterns and maladaptive behaviors. By targeting these cognitive distortions, therapists help individuals develop healthier coping mechanisms and problem-solving skills. CBT has proven effective across a wide range of mental health disorders, such as depression, anxiety, and eating disorders. Psychodynamic Therapy Originating from the ideas of Sigmund Freud, psychodynamic therapy stresses the importance of unconscious processes and their influence on behavior. The therapist works with the individual to explore unresolved conflicts, past experiences, and patterns in relationships that may be contributing to their current emotional state. The aim is to increase self-awareness and foster healthier interpersonal dynamics. Humanistic Therapy Humanistic therapy focuses on the individual's inherent strengths and promoting personal growth. This approach emphasizes the importance of self-acceptance, empathy, and unconditional positive regard. It centers on the concept of facilitating an individual's self-actualization, allowing them to reach their full potential and live authentically. There are several subtypes of humanistic therapy, including person-centered therapy, Gestalt therapy, and existential therapy. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Created by Marsha Linehan, DBT is a specific type of CBT that emphasizes the balancing of opposites ("dialectics"). DBT helps to regulate emotions, develop healthy coping strategies, and improve interpersonal skills. Originally designed for people diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, DBT has since been adapted and applied to a variety of mental health issues. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) ACT is a mindfulness-based therapy that encourages acceptance of emotions and thoughts, rather than trying to change or avoid them. Through techniques such as meditation, mindfulness, and values clarification, ACT helps individuals develop psychological flexibility and resilience. By doing so, individuals can learn to live an authentic, values-driven life while coping with distressful emotions and thoughts. Family and Couples Therapy Family therapy involves working with families and couples to strengthen relationships, improve communication, and resolve conflicts. Therapists may use several approaches, such as structural family therapy, emotion-focused couples therapy, and systemic family therapy. By addressing dysfunctional patterns within the family or couple, therapists aim to create an environment conducive to healing and growth. Group Therapy Group therapy offers individuals the opportunity to share their experiences, emotions, and struggles with others experiencing similar issues, under the guidance of a therapist. Group therapy fosters social support, empathy, and understanding, which can promote personal growth and healing. This type of therapy is often used in combination with individual therapy and may target various mental health issues or specific life challenges (e.g., grief, addiction). In conclusion, there are numerous psychotherapy approaches designed to suit the specific needs and preferences of individuals seeking mental health care. It is crucial to select the right therapy based on the individual's unique circumstances to maximize its effectiveness. With the multiple types of psychotherapy available, mental health professionals and their clients can collaborate to find the best approach towards emotional healing, personal development, and overall well-being.

The Effects of AI-based Counseling: Exploring the Potential of Artificial Intelligence in Mental Health Support :
Artificial intelligence (AI) has the power to revolutionize various domains, including mental health care. AI-based counseling refers to the use of advanced algorithms, natural language processing, and machine learning to simulate therapeutic interactions between a mental health professional and an individual. As AI technology continues to evolve, its potential to provide support for those in need becomes more promising. This article explores the potential effects of receiving counseling from AI on mental health and well-being. Accessibility and Availability One of the primary benefits of AI-based counseling is its accessibility. Many people experience barriers to mental health care, including geographic, financial, or time constraints. AI counseling can be easily accessed through internet-connected devices, such as smartphones, tablets, or computers, making it an affordable, convenient, and available resource for a wide range of individuals. Furthermore, since AI-based platforms are not influenced by time zones or office hours, these services can provide continuous support as needed. Anonymity and Stigma Reduction AI counseling can provide a sense of anonymity for users who may feel reluctant to seek treatment in a traditional therapy setting due to concerns about stigma or judgement. This anonymity can offer a safe space for individuals to openly discuss their thoughts, feelings, and concerns without fearing disclosure, enabling them to explore their emotions and engage in virtual counseling sessions with ease. Efficient Symptom Tracking and Analysis AI-based counseling platforms can efficiently collect and analyze user data, allowing for real-time monitoring of emotional states and timely identification of emerging patterns and concerns. This data-driven approach has the potential to help users gain insight into their emotional well-being and adjust therapeutic interventions accordingly. Additionally, mental health professionals may utilize this information to inform treatment decisions and better understand their clients' needs. Personalized Treatment AI counseling can offer personalized treatment options tailored to an individual's unique circumstances, preferences, and goals. By leveraging machine learning algorithms and data analysis, AI-based counseling platforms can adapt dynamically to a user's emotional state and provide customized interventions aimed at promoting psychological well-being and coping skills. Supplementary Support While AI-based counseling may not replace traditional human-to-human therapy, it can complement and enhance the support received from mental health professionals. For instance, AI counseling can act as an additional resource between scheduled therapy sessions or provide targeted support on specific issues like stress management or coping with anxiety. However, there are also potential drawbacks associated with AI-based counseling. Among these concerns is the limited ability of AI to understand and respond to complex human emotions fully. Additionally, ethical considerations, such as data privacy and security, must be addressed. In conclusion, AI-based counseling has shown the potential to revolutionize mental health care by offering affordable, accessible, and personalized support for those in need. While not a substitute for traditional therapy, it can serve as a supplementary resource, bridging gaps in service and complementing existing treatments. As technology continues to evolve and advance, AI-based counseling may prove to be an invaluable tool in the mental health landscape, providing support for individuals seeking help and fostering greater overall emotional well-being.

Mental Health in the Digital Age: Exploring Cases of AI-Assisted Psychological Counseling :
As the use of artificial intelligence (AI) expands in the psychological counseling field, various forms of AI-based mental health support have been introduced. In this article, we will examine cases of psychological counseling through AI, and explore the positive impacts that this technology may have on individuals and society. Woebot: AI Chatbot for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Woebot is a chatbot-based AI psychological counseling service that provides cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) in a conversational format. Users can improve their understanding and recognition of negative thoughts and emotions through daily conversations with the chatbot. They can also learn how to change these negative patterns. Although Woebot can be helpful in addressing everyday stress and depressive symptoms, it does not fully replace consultations with experts. Tess: Personalized AI Psychological Counseling Service Tess is an AI platform that provides customized psychological counseling based on an individual's personal situation, preferences, and goals. Through unique interactions with users, the service offers psychological support and recommends suitable resources according to their interests. Tess operates through text-based conversations, and all exchanges are strictly regulated for data security and personal privacy. AI Services Assisting in Career Counseling and Major Selection AI-based psychological counseling technology is also used for career and major selection guidance. AI algorithms designed to suggest suitable majors or occupations for college students and professionals in various fields consider factors such as personality, interests, and skill levels in order to support the decision-making process. Suicide Prevention and Crisis Management Support AI-based psychological counseling offers the advantage of providing real-time monitoring of users' mental health and relevant changes, responding to critical situations efficiently. Some services detect the risk of suicide and instantly connect the distressed individual to live support for emergency assistance. AI Mental Health Services Within Company Wellness Programs Many companies are integrating AI-based psychological counseling services into their wellness programs to improve the mental health of employees. These services contribute to corporate prosperity by helping employees maintain a sense of belonging and stability while balancing work and personal life. The proliferation of AI-based psychological counseling services is expected to bring positive effects on individuals and society. As technology advances, it will continue to create more benefits. However, since AI cannot fully replace the human aspect of professional counseling, the development of psychological counseling services will likely focus on collaboration between AI and experts to achieve better outcomes.
